Sunday, July 12, 2009


ok i had the most shitty cab driver just now.

he was some indian (ok anti-racist people are raising eyebrows here but i cant be bothered) cabby who TOTALLY SUCKED.

1) He drove at about 50km/h for the whole journey. HELLO? It's not a military vehicle ffs. you CAN go above 50 and not get into any trouble or anything.

2) He slowed down about 200-300m away from a traffic light. what?!?!? i know it's a safety practice to slow down as you're approaching a light so you have time to react if the light changes.. but he slowed down REALLY FAR AWAY. and even when he's really close like 20 metres away he still drives at the slowed down speed! it was really ridiculous.

3) When the cab reached my house, i asked to pay by netts. so he VERY SLOWLY reached for his spectacles and SLOWLY put it on. THEN, he pressed the stop on the meter, during which it jumped by 20cents.
I raised this to him, and guess what he said:
"Aiya, 20cents nevermind la, you one day also spend more than that, very little only"

It's not a matter of the money, it's the principle of the matter. It's about.. honesty? Even if it was freaking 1 cent i also wont be happy.

anw the purpose of this entry wasn't to bitch about cab drivers but who ask this indian cabby to piss me off. grr.
The point was.. i'm freaking extravagant now la!

I'm taking cabs everywhere i go (well basically to and fro church) which is really quite waste money. And for my meals.. the price really isn't a consideration at all. NOT AT ALL. it's like i decide what to eat based on what i feel like eating. In the past will still like check wallet, see got how much.. see whether too ex.
now.. it doesn't matter! i just order!

not to mention the miscallaneous spending on snacks.. drinks. which in the past i'm always very stingy about. cos my funds were limited . lol.

and i think this is very bad cos i'm spending alot of money. well not alot, but .. it's kinda waste money. must be more thrifty!
gosh, i hate this rollercoaster emotional feeling. i really need to stop _______ ___. but how do you douse a raging fire? how do you calm a tornado? how do you stop this whirling dizzy feeling i feel about ______?
somebody save me.